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Feb. 27th, 2025 at noon is our next meeting. We'll have our regular Show and Share and ad hoc discussions about techniques and questions. And we'll talk about the progress we've made (or not) on the Yoke Sweater KAL.

Going forward, here's our schedule:
February - Sarah will demonstrate Double Bed Jacquard (DBJ) on a Brother 965i.
March - Donna will bring her Passap Duo 80 for a demonstration on Passap play. A manual only (no Deco) machine but still fun.
TBD - Carol Sucolski will speak on "Yarn Substitution" - see her book by that title.

May 22nd - All day Play Date - 10 am to 5:30 pm. BYOM (bring your own machine) and knit away and chat and learn.
September 25th - All day Play Date - 10 am to 5:30 pm. BYOM (bring your own machine) and knit away and chat and learn.

October - Deborah Newton will speak on "Measure to Fit" - see her book by that title.
December - a repeat of our social and gift exchange.

Another decision was to have our Brother 965i machine (loaned by Sarah) to be setup each month so we can have hands-on impromptu demos/questions addressed. Petra volunteered to do the setup and takedown of the machine - thank you!

A link to replacement 3D parts -- https://vzv3d.com/collections/brother-knitting-machine-parts/products/brother-case-end-panels-for-881-891-910-950-950i-965-965i-and-970

We meet every month in person. Noon on the 4th Thursday of the month (except Nov and Dec-2nd Thursdays).

Our outside speakers for 2024 were Helen Sharp and Debroah Newton. In 2025, we will have Deborah Newton back to talk about FIT, and also Carol Sulcoski to talk about YARN SUBSTITION. Date: Oct for Deborah, probably April for Carol.

==> 2025 October 23rd - Deborah Newton will join us via ZOOM to discuss topics from her book "Good Measure".

Location: Stranded by the Sea yarn shop in Edmonds. We have hybrid meetings - we meet in person AND have a Zoom link provided to all paid members. (Meetings will not be recorded. )

Meetings will start at noon. We'll cover the featured topic, then we'll have a 'show and tell' time where people are encouraged to ask questions on techniques. Meetings last about two hours.

Each meeting has a specific topic of discussion, lead by a volunteer. See the Events page for more details, leaders, and resources.

Our meetings and events are presented to embody our Mission Statement - see the bottom of this page.

Watch our FaceBook page for details.


Mission Statement:
Our mission is to promote interest and appreciation, share knowledge, skills, technology, and fellowship in the art and craft of machine knitting
among a diverse group of knitters of all abilities.